Bike Gear

August 9, 2017

You know the saying ‘all the gear, no idea’? Well, you can forget about that right now, because here’s a load of gear that’s all about the idea. Four genius pieces of kit that don’t just look smart – they work smart too. And they’re literally just about to hit the market. So, if you’re interested in the next big biking breakthrough, chances are it’s gonna be one of these:

1. MotoRepellent

Pioneered in Thailand, MotoRepellent is a filter designed to wage war on one of the country’s most deadly killers – the mosquito.

Attached to your tailpipe, where the heat from the exhaust turns the fumes into mosquito repellent smoke, it basically transforms your bike into a mobile citronella candle on steroids, meaning mosquitos can’t get within a 3-metre radius of the fumes. Pretty fly eh?

2. Electroluminescent LightMode kits

If their sole purpose was to make looking like a character from Tron a reality, we’d still be sold on these electroluminescent LightMode kits. But on top of their ability to give your helmet a futuristic sci-fi finish, they also make night riding a whole lot safer. A quick DIY job to attach the electroluminescent wire to your helmet will make sure you stand out for all the right reasons and, if you’re more klutz than creative, there’s even a range of pre-fab helmets to choose from too.

3. The Expedition Jacket

It’s built on 100 years of biking heritage, 10,000 miles worth of hardcore road-testing and insight from the guy behind the U.S. Navy Seals’ jackets. So, we reckon the Expedition Jacket has pretty much got style and substance nailed. Some of its highlights include its 100% waterproof rating, triple layered seams, removable armoured Knox plates, smart air venting, abrasion resistant Kevlar layer and GPS connectivity. Not to mention an oiled cotton finish that looks slick as.

4. Dynamoto Motorcycle Stands

Looking for a motorcycle stand that makes moving even the heaviest of bikes a breeze? Well get a load of these from Dynamoto. With Rotacaster multidirectional wheels on both the rear and front stand for maximum manoeuvrability, improved load stability and easy unloading, getting your bike back on the road or in storage has never involved so little effort.

The front stand is compatible with almost every road bike on the market, while the two rear stand options – one for bikes with a conventional swingarm and pickup spools, and one for bikes with a single-sided swingarm and a hollow rear axle – mean your new set of wheels are bound to work alongside your existing ride, whatever it may be.

So keep an eye out for when the gear of the future becomes a reality and prepare yourself a next generation ride.

You know the saying ‘all the gear, no idea’? Well, you can forget about that right now, because the bike obsessives here at Swann Insurance are sharing their insights into a load of gear that’s all about the idea.|CB?#k$b_$1eg:z/Q.jP|;L|4a0Hc*pLw_CR@`,sM[.eJjz/yb;*g