Looking for motorbike insurance in WA? With tailored policy options that include optional helmet & riding gear cover, multi-motorcycle discounts (up to five motorcycles on a single policy) , Swann Insurance offers some of the most comprehensive and flexible motorcycle insurance Perth has on offer.

If you’re looking for motorcycle insurance in Western Australia to protect you on those world-class biking routes, Swann Insurance is here to make sure you’re fully covered. Whether you’re a serious road-tripper, a daily commuter or both, Swann insurance offers you some of the best value and most flexible motorcycle insurance WA has available.

With Swann insurance Perth’s comprehensive motorbike insurance, you can start your adventure across the state today, safe in the knowledge you’re fully covered. Contact us or get a quick quote today.


So, is insurance compulsory for your bike? Western Australian law requires every driver or rider on Australian roads have Compulsory Third Party insurance (also known as CTP insurance or ‘green-slip’). CTP covers your liability, and the liability of anyone else who drives your vehicle, for injuries caused to others in a motor vehicle or Motorcycle accident. This cover is included in every rider’s registration as a safeguard to injured parties, making sure they always receive the necessary compensation regardless of the rider’s financial situation, while simultaneously protecting riders from expensive legal and medical costs that arise from accidents on the Australian roads. In Western Australia, VIC, TAS, and the NT, Compulsory Third Party is automatically included in your registration fees however in SA, NSW, ACT and QLD you have the option to choose an Insurer.

For all Western Australian riders, it’s important to note that Compulsory Third Party or Green-Slip does not cover any damage to your vehicle following an accident. To cover against damage to your Motorcycle you need to purchase a Motorcycle insurance policy. Depending of the level of protection you are seeking, there are options to suit your needs – here is a quick guide of coverage options for bike insurance in WA through Swann Insurance.

A motorcyclist riding on a country road lined with trees during sunset

Comprehensive Motorcycle Insurance in WA covers your Motorcycle if it is accidentally damaged, stolen or burnt anywhere in Australia or Western Australia. Comprehensive insurance also covers you for your liability to pay compensation for loss or damage to someone else’s property as a result of an accident anywhere in Australia.

Third Party Liability insurance in Western Australia covers you for your liability to pay compensation for loss or damage to someone else’s property as a result of an accident anywhere in Australia.

If you are still unsure about Motorbike insurance in WA and your cover options in Perth – or other states and territories (VIC, ACT, QLD, SA, NSW, TAS, or the NT) – please contact us on 13 RIDE (137433) and chat with one of our friendly team members.

Ready to purchase Motorcycle Insurance in WA? Get a quick motorcycle insurance quote online now|CB?#k$b_$1eg:z/Q.jP|;L|4a0Hc*pLw_CR@`,sM[.eJjz/yb;*g